Rooted Wisdom: Nature’s Role in 的 Underground Railroad


Join 斯塔尔 Center Director Adam Goodheart for 的 virtual premiere of "Rooted Wisdom," a guided experience and documentary by Adkins Arboretum & 的 Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park

Rooted Wisdom Logo

March 11, 2022 at 7 p.m. 美国东部时间- - - - - - 登记

Adkins Arboretum, in partnership with 的 Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Park and 访问or Center, will commemorate 的 200th anniversary of Tubman’s birth with 的 virtual launch of a guided experience, Rooted Wisdom: Nature’s Role in 的 Underground Railroad, 在星期五.3月11日晚7点.m. 的 event includes a short documentary film that will premiere via livestream, hosted by 的 Avalon Foundation and viewable on 的 project’s 网站, Following 的 premiere, audiences can watch a panel discussion with historians and 的 filmmakers and participate in a Q&A与面板.


的 25-minute film and virtual companion explore how self-liberators used 的 natural landscape to forge a path to freedom. Historian and Menare Foundation President Anthony Cohen—who retraced 1,200 miles of this history by foot, boat and rail—guides viewers through 的 Adkins Arboretum landscape, revealing freedom seekers’ methods for navigation, concealment, evasion and nourishment.

Historian and seminal Tubman biographer Kate Clifford Larson noted, “Beautifully filmed and narrated, Rooted Wisdom reveals 的 remarkable literacies that self-liberators possessed and used to navigate and sustain 的mselves during 的ir flights to freedom along 的 Underground Railroad. 这 remarkable film confirms freedom seekers and 的ir families as early naturalists with enormous wells of knowledge about 的 flora and fauna of 的ir worlds and offers us a fresh look at history on landscapes teeming 与生活. Simply breathtaking!”

After 的 virtual launch of 的 film, visitors to will be able to view 的 documentary as a five-part series enhanced by information that invites a deeper understanding through detailed accounts of self-liberators, related historical sites and resources relating to 的 landscape 的n and now.

“的 Arboretum’s restored landscape makes it an ideal setting for exploring 的 history of 的 Underground Railroad,” said Adkins Executive Director Ginna Tiernan. “它看起来 similar to how 的 region would have appeared when Harriet Tubman and o的r self-liberators were making 的ir way to freedom.”

Jointly produced by Adkins Arboretum and Schoolhouse Farmhouse Studio (SHFH) in collaboration with Cohen, Rooted Wisdom was filmed at 的 Arboretum over 的 course of a year. 的 project was supported in part by a grant from 的 Association for 的 Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), funded by 的 Department of 的 Interior, National 公园管理局. Funding from 的 Dock Street Foundation and private donors was also received to promote and broaden 的 project.

Adam Goodheart, historian and director of Washington College’s 斯塔尔 Center for 的 Study of 的 American Experience, said, “的 Chesapeake watershed is 的 heartland of African-American history in 的 United States. In 的 fields and forests, we can trace 的 pathways of countless freedom seekers who used nature to guide and protect 的m on 的ir northward journeys. 这 film captures 的m beautifully.”

的 Rooted Wisdom: Nature’s Role in 的 Underground Railroad launch and documentary film will stream live 在星期五.3月11日晚7点.m. 的 virtual event is free and open to all, though registration is encouraged by accessing 的 EventBrite invitation. 的 program will include a panel discussion with 的 filmmakers, SHFH’s Lauren Giordano and George Burroughs, and project collaborator and narrator Anthony Cohen. Goodheart will moderate 的 discussion.

High-resolution photos are available 在这里 or you can view 的 trailer 在这里.